Everything tagged error (2 posts)
ExtJS Radio Buttons and Square Brackets
While creating an ExtJS form with several radio buttons today I ran into a bug which caused none of them to work as expected, even though there were no errors/exceptions. To cut a long story short, it was because I was setting the name to "schedule[include_type]" - like this:
This radio button is one of 4, which allows the user which type of file they want to include on a particular model (a Schedule in this case) - be it Page, Video, Category or one other. The thing is - none of them work with the square brackets in the name. If you remove the brackets, they all work correctly, but the server-side is relying on those brackets to be present to group the data correctly.
In the end I bit the bullet and updated my submit method to add a new parameter directly - here's a full example:
When Git tells you it failed to push some refs
I received an unhelpful error while trying to push to a repository on Github today:
In case you ever have the same problem, all you have to do is a quick git pull first, then you can carry on as normal. Easy when you know how...