I'm Ed Spencer.
I'm a software engineer with 20 years of experience working primarily on the web. I'm fluent with JavaScript (though I prefer TypeScript these days) and I place a high premium on great UX.
I've spent most of my career building UIs with web technologies. I can't design pretty things, but I can tell when something looks good. I really enjoy building fluid, intuitive and delightful interfaces.
More recently I've been working with a range of AI technologies, writing blog posts about AI and spending a lot of time thinking about the intersection of AI and UX.
I like messing around with 3d printing, and the older I get the more interesting I find making physical products. I'm a big fan of home automation, especially with Home Assistant, and I'm working on a few real-world products that make life easier for people with robots.
I don't have any kids but I am lucky enough to cohabit with a great girl and a beautiful cat.