Everything tagged typescript (5 posts)

AI Content Recommendations with TypeScript

In the last post, we used TypeScript to create searchable embeddings for a corpus of text content and integrated it into a chat bot. But chat bots are the tomato ketchup of AI - great as an accompaniment to something else, but not satisfying by themselves. Given that we now have the tools to vectorize our documents and perform semantic searches against them, let's extend that to generate content recommendations for our readers.

At the bottom of each of my blog articles are links to other posts that may be interesting to the reader based on the current article. The lo-fi way this was achieved was to find all the other posts which overlapped on one or more tags and pick the most recent one.

Quite often that works ok, but I'm sure you can think of ways it could pick a sub-optimal next article. Someone who knows the content well could probably pick better suggestions at least some of the time. LLMs are really well-suited to tasks like this, and should in theory have several advantages over human editors (such as not forgetting what I wrote last week).

We want to end up with some simple UI like this, with one or more suggestions for what to read next:

Screenshot of a Read Next UI
We want to enable the rendering of a UI like this, showing the most relevant articles to read next

So how do we figure out which content to recommend based on what you're looking at?

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Easy RAG for TypeScript and React Apps

This is the first article in a trilogy that will go through the process of extracting content from a large text dataset - my blog in this case - and making it available to an LLM so that users can get answers to their questions without searching through lots of articles along the way.

Part 1 will cover how to process your text documents for easy consumption by an LLM, throw those embeddings into a vector database, and then use that to help answer the user's questions. There are a million articles about this using Python, but I'm principally a TypeScript developer so we'll focus on TS, React and NextJS.

Part 2 covers how to make an AI-driven "What to Read Next" component, which looks at the content of an document (or blog post, in this case) and performs a semantic search through the rest of the content to rank which other posts are most related to this one, and suggest them.

Part 3 will extend this idea by using InformAI to track which articles the user has looked at and attempt to predictively generate suggested content for that user, personalizing the What to Read Next component while keeping the reader completely anonymous to the system.

Let's RAG

About a week ago I released InformAI, which allows you to easily surface the state of your application UI to an LLM in order to help it give more relevant responses to your user. In that intro post I threw InformAI into the blog post itself, which gave me a sort of zero-effort poor man's RAG, as the LLM could see the entire post and allow people to ask questions about it.

That's not really what InformAI is intended for, but it's nice that it works. But what if we want to do this in a more scalable and coherent way? This blog has around 100 articles, often about similar topics. Sometimes, such as when I release open source projects like InformAI, it's one of the only sources of information on the internet about the given topic. You can't ask ChatGPT what InformAI is, but with a couple of tricks we can transparently give ChatGPT access to the answer so that it seems like it magically knows stuff it was never trained on.

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Loading Fast and Slow: async React Server Components and Suspense

When the web was young, HTML pages were served to clients running web browser software that would turn the HTML text response into rendered pixels on the screen. At first these were static HTML files, but then things like PHP and others came along to allow the server to customize the HTML sent to each client.

CSS came along to change the appearance of what got rendered. JavaScript came along to make the page interactive. Suddenly the page was no longer the atomic unit of the web experience: pages could modify themselves right there inside the browser, without the server being in the loop at all.

This was good because the network is slow and less than 100% reliable. It heralded a new golden age for the web. Progressively, less and less of the HTML content was sent to clients as pre-rendered HTML, and more and more was sent as JSON data that the client would render into HTML using JavaScript.

This all required a lot more work to be done on the client, though, which meant the client had to download a lot more JavaScript. Before long we were shipping MEGABYTES of JavaScript down to the web browser, and we lost the speediness we had gained by not reloading the whole page all the time. Page transitions were fast, but the initial load was slow. Megabytes of code shipped to the browser can multiply into hundreds of megabytes of device memory consumed, and not every device is your state of the art Macbook Pro.

Single Page Applications ultimately do the same thing as that old PHP application did - render a bunch of HTML and pass it to the browser to render. The actual rendered output is often a few kilobytes of plain text HTML, but we downloaded, parsed and executed megabytes of JavaScript to generate those few kilobytes of HTML. What if there was a way we could keep the interactivity of a SPA, but only send the HTML that needs to be rendered to the client?

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Using Server Actions with Next JS

React and Next.js introduced Server Actions a while back, as a new/old way to call server-side code from the client. In this post, I'll explain what Server Actions are, how they work, and how you can use them in your Next.js applications. We'll look at why they are and are not APIs, why they can make your front end code cleaner, and why they can make your backend code messier.

Everything old is new again

In the beginning, there were <form>s. They had an action, and a method, and when you clicked the submit button, the browser would send a request to the server. The server would then process the request and send back a response, which could be a redirect. The action was the URL of the server endpoint, and the method was usually either GET or POST.

<form action="/submit" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="name" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

Then came AJAX, and suddenly we could send requests to the server without reloading the page. This was a game-changer, and it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for building web applications. But it also introduced a lot of complexity, as developers had to manage things like network requests, error handling, and loading states. We ended up building React components like this:

//this is just so 2019
export default function CreateDevice() {
const [name, setName] = useState('');
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const [error, setError] = useState(null);

const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
try {
await fetch('/api/devices', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ name }),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
} catch (err) {
} finally {

return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)} />
<button type="submit" disabled={loading}>Submit</button>
{error && <p>{error.message}</p>}

This code is fine, but it's a lot of boilerplate for something as simple as submitting a form. It's also not very readable, as the logic for handling the form submission is mixed in with the UI code. Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back to the good old days of <form>s, but without the page reload?

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Using ChatGPT to generate ChatGPT Assistants

OpenAI dropped a ton of cool stuff in their Dev Day presentations, including some updates to function calling. There are a few function-call-like things that currently exist within the Open AI ecosystem, so let's take a moment to disambiguate:

  • Plugins: introduced in March 2023, allowed GPT to understand and call your HTTP APIs
  • Actions: an evolution of Plugins, makes it easier but still calls your HTTP APIs
  • Function Calling: Chat GPT understands your functions, tells you how to call them, but does not actually call them

It seems like Plugins are likely to be superseded by Actions, so we end up with 2 ways to have GPT call your functions - Actions for automatically calling HTTP APIs, Function Calling for indirectly calling anything else. We could call this Guided Invocation - despite the name it doesn't actually call the function, it just tells you how to.

That second category of calls is going to include anything that isn't an HTTP endpoint, so gives you a lot of flexibility to call internal APIs that never learned how to speak HTTP. Think legacy systems, private APIs that you don't want to expose to the internet, and other places where this can act as a highly adaptable glue.

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