7 posts tagged rsc

Recently, I've been exploring the capabilities of React Server Components (RSC) alongside AI integration in React applications. In my latest post, NarratorAI: Trainable AI assistant for Node and React, I discuss how to create an AI assistant tailored for modern applications. Earlier, I delved into the nuances of error handling in RSC with Error handling and retry with React Server Components and examined data streaming in Promises across the void: Streaming data with RSC.

Additionally, I've shared insights on blending Markdown with React components in Blending Markdown and React components in NextJS and introduced tools like InformAI - Easy & Useful AI for React apps. These posts reflect my ongoing journey to enhance user experiences through thoughtful technology integration.

NarratorAI: Trainable AI assistant for Node and React

Every word in every article on this site was, for better or worse, written by me: a real human being. Recently, though, I realized that various pages on the site kinda sucked. Chiefly I'm talking about the Blog home page, tag pages like this one for articles tagged with AI and other places where I could do with some "meta-content".

By meta-content I mean content about content, like the couple of short paragraphs that summarize recent posts for a tag, or the outro text that now appears at the end of each post, along with the automatically generated Read Next recommendations that I added recently using ReadNext.

If you go look at the RSC tag, for example, you'll see a couple of paragraphs that summarize what I've written about regarding React Server Components recently. The list of article excerpts underneath it is a lot more approachable with that high-level summary at the top. Without the intro, the page just feels neglected and incomplete.

But the chances of me remembering to update that intro text every time I write a new post about React Server Components are slim to none. I'll write it once, it'll get out of date, and then it will be about as useful as a chocolate teapot. We need a better way. Ideally one that also lets me play by watching the AI stream automatically generated content before my very eyes:

Narrator AI training in action
This is strangely addictive
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Blending Markdown and React components in NextJS

Authoring long-form content like blog posts is a pleasant experience with Markdown as it lets you focus on the content without worrying about the presentation or making the browser happy. Spamming <p> and <div> tags all over the place is a PITA and serves as a distraction from the content you're working on.

However, in a blog like this one, which deals with a lot of React/node/nextjs content, static text and images are limiting. We really want our React components to be live on the page with all of the richness and composability that React and JSX bring - so how do we blend the best of both of these worlds?

MDX: Markdown plus React

MDX is an extension to Markdown that also allows you to import and use React components. It lets you write content like this:

MDX is a blend of:

- normal markdown
- React components

<Aside type="info">
This blue box is an custom React component called `<Aside>`, and it can be rendered by MDX along
with the other Markdown content.

That's rendering an <Aside> component, which is a simple React component I use in some of my posts and looks like this:

That's really cool, and we can basically use any React component(s) we like here. But first let's talk a little about metadata.

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Introducing InformAI - Easy & Useful AI for React apps

Most web applications can benefit from AI features, but adding AI to an existing application can be a daunting prospect. Even a moderate-sized React application can have hundreds of components, spread across dozens of pages. Sure, it's easy to tack a chat bot in the bottom corner, but it won't be useful unless you integrate it with your app's contents.

This is where InformAI comes in. InformAI makes it easy to surface all the information that you already have in your React components to an LLM or other AI agent. With a few lines of React code, your LLM can now see exactly what your user sees, without having to train any models, implement RAG, or any other expensive setup.

Inform AI completes the quadrant
LLMs read and write text, Vercel AI SDK can also write UI, but InformAI lets LLMs read UI

InformAI is not an AI itself, it just lets you expose components and UI events via the simple <InformAI /> component. Here's how we might add AI support to a React component that shows a table of a company's firewalls:

name = "Firewalls Table"
prompt = "Shows the user a paginated table of firewalls and their scheduled backup configurations"
props = {{data, page, perPage}}
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Error handling and retry with React Server Components

React Server Components are a game-changer when it comes to building large web applications without sending megabytes of JavaScript to the client. They allow you to render components on the server and stream them to the client, which can significantly improve the performance of your application.

However, React Server Components can throw errors, just like regular React components. In this article, we'll explore how to handle and recover from errors in React Server Components.

Error boundaries

In React, you can use error boundaries to catch errors that occur during rendering, in lifecycle methods, or in constructors of the whole tree below them. An error boundary is a React component that catches JavaScript errors anywhere in its child component tree and logs those errors, displaying a fallback UI instead of crashing the entire application.

To create an error boundary in React, you need to define a component that implements the componentDidCatch lifecycle method. This method is called whenever an error occurs in the component tree below the error boundary.

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Promises across the void: Streaming data with RSC

Last week we looked at how React Server Component Payloads work under the covers. Towards the end of that article I mentioned a fascinating thing that you can do with RSC: sending unresolved promises from the server to the client. When I first read that I thought it was a documentation bug, but it's actually quite real (though with some limitations).

Here's a simple example of sending a promise from the server to the client. First, here's our server-rendered component, called SuspensePage in this case:

import { Suspense } from "react";
import Table from "./table";
import { getData } from "./data";

export default function SuspensePage() {
return (
<h1>Server Component</h1>
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<Table dataPromise={getData(1000)} />

So we just imported a getData() function that returns a promise that resolves after 1 second. This simulates a call to a database or other asynchronous action. Here's our fake getData() function:

const fakeData = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Alice' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Bob' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Charlie' },

export async function getData(delay: number): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, delay)
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Decoding React Server Component Payloads

If you've spent any time playing with React Server Components, you've probably noticed a bunch of stuff like this at the bottom of your web pages:

<script>self.__next_f.push([1,"3:I[\"(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/next/dist/client/components/app-router.js\",[\"app-pages-internals\",\"static/chunks/app-pages-internals.js\"],\"\"]\n5:I[\"(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/next/dist/client/components/client-page.js\",[\"app-pages-internals\",\"static/chunks/app-pages-internals.js\"],\"ClientPageRoot\"]\n6:I[\"(app-pages-browser)/./app/flight/page.tsx\",[\"app/flight/page\",\"static/chunks/app/flight/page.js\"],\"default\"]\n7:I[\"(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/next/dist/client/components/layout-router.js\",[\"app-pages-internals\",\"static/chunks/app-pages-internals.js\"],\"\"]\n8:I[\"(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/next/dist/client/components/render-from-template-context.js\",[\"app-pages-internals\",\"static/chunks/app-pages-internals.js\"],\"\"]\nc:I[\"(app-pages-browser)/./node_modules/next/dist/client/components/error-boundary.js\",[\"app-pages-internals\",\"static/chunks/app-pages-internals.js\"],\"\"]\n4:D{\"name\":\"\",\"env\":\"Server\"}\n9:D{\"name\":\"RootLayout\",\"env\":\"Server\"}\na:D{\"name\":\"NotFound\",\"env\":\"Server\"}\na:[[\"$\",\"title\",null,{\"children\":\"404: This page could not be found.\"}],[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"style\":{\"fontFamily\":\"system-ui,\\\"Segoe UI\\\",Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,\\\"Apple Color Emoji\\\",\\\"Segoe UI Emoji\\\"\",\"height\":\"100vh\",\"textAlign\":\"center\",\"display\":\"flex\",\"flexDirection\":\"column\",\"alignItems\":\"center\",\"justifyContent\":\"center\"},\"children\":[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"children\":[[\"$\",\"style\",null,{\"dangerouslySetInnerHTML\":{\"__html\":\"body{color:#000;background:#fff;margin:0}.next-error-h1{border-right:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.3)}@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){body{color:#fff;background:#000}.next-error-h1{border-right:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.3)}}\"}}],[\"$\",\"h1\",null,{\"className\":\"next-error-h1\",\"style\":{\"display\":\"inline-block\",\"margin\":\"0 20px 0 0\",\"padding\":\"0 23px 0 0\",\"fontSize\":24,\"fontWeight\":500,\"verticalAlign\":\"top\",\"lineHeight\":\"49px\"},\"children\":\"404\"}],[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"style\":{\"display\":\"inline-block\"},\"children\":[\"$\",\"h2\",null,{\"style\":{\"fontSize\":14,\"fontWeight\":400,\"lineHeight\":\"49px\",\"margin\":0},\"childr"])</script>
<script>self.__next_f.push([1,"en\":\"This page could not be found.\"}]}]]}]}]]\n9:[\"$\",\"html\",null,{\"lang\":\"en\",\"children\":[\"$\",\"body\",null,{\"className\":\"__className_aaf875\",\"children\":[\"$\",\"$L7\",null,{\"parallelRouterKey\":\"children\",\"segmentPath\":[\"children\"],\"error\":\"$undefined\",\"errorStyles\":\"$undefined\",\"errorScripts\":\"$undefined\",\"template\":[\"$\",\"$L8\",null,{}],\"templateStyles\":\"$undefined\",\"templateScripts\":\"$undefined\",\"notFound\":\"$a\",\"notFoundStyles\":[],\"styles\":null}]}]}]\nb:D{\"name\":\"\",\"env\":\"Server\"}\nd:[]\n0:[[[\"$\",\"link\",\"0\",{\"rel\":\"stylesheet\",\"href\":\"/_next/static/css/app/layout.css?v=1719846361489\",\"precedence\":\"next_static/css/app/layout.css\",\"crossOrigin\":\"$undefined\"}]],[\"$\",\"$L3\",null,{\"buildId\":\"development\",\"assetPrefix\":\"\",\"initialCanonicalUrl\":\"/flight\",\"initialTree\":[\"\",{\"children\":[\"flight\",{\"children\":[\"__PAGE__\",{}]}]},\"$undefined\",\"$undefined\",true],\"initialSeedData\":[\"\",{\"children\":[\"flight\",{\"children\":[\"__PAGE__\",{},[[\"$L4\",[\"$\",\"$L5\",null,{\"props\":{\"params\":{},\"searchParams\":{}},\"Component\":\"$6\"}]],null],null]},[\"$\",\"$L7\",null,{\"parallelRouterKey\":\"children\",\"segmentPath\":[\"children\",\"flight\",\"children\"],\"error\":\"$undefined\",\"errorStyles\":\"$undefined\",\"errorScripts\":\"$undefined\",\"template\":[\"$\",\"$L8\",null,{}],\"templateStyles\":\"$undefined\",\"templateScripts\":\"$undefined\",\"notFound\":\"$undefined\",\"notFoundStyles\":\"$undefined\",\"styles\":null}],null]},[\"$9\",null],null],\"couldBeIntercepted\":false,\"initialHead\":[false,\"$Lb\"],\"globalErrorComponent\":\"$c\",\"missingSlots\":\"$Wd\"}]]\n"])</script>
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You may be wondering what this all means. It's not super well documented, and all pretty bleeding-edge. It's not likely to be something you need to worry about in your day-to-day work, but if you're a curious geek like me, read on.

What you're looking at is a bunch of <script> tags automatically injected into the end of the page. The content above is a copy-paste from just about the most basic Next JS application imaginable. It consists of 2 components - a layout.tsx and a page.tsx:

import type { Metadata } from "next";
import "./globals.css";

export const metadata: Metadata = {
title: "React Server Components Payloads",
description: "By Ed Spencer - edspencer.net",

export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
return (
<html lang="en">
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Loading Fast and Slow: async React Server Components and Suspense

When the web was young, HTML pages were served to clients running web browser software that would turn the HTML text response into rendered pixels on the screen. At first these were static HTML files, but then things like PHP and others came along to allow the server to customize the HTML sent to each client.

CSS came along to change the appearance of what got rendered. JavaScript came along to make the page interactive. Suddenly the page was no longer the atomic unit of the web experience: pages could modify themselves right there inside the browser, without the server being in the loop at all.

This was good because the network is slow and less than 100% reliable. It heralded a new golden age for the web. Progressively, less and less of the HTML content was sent to clients as pre-rendered HTML, and more and more was sent as JSON data that the client would render into HTML using JavaScript.

This all required a lot more work to be done on the client, though, which meant the client had to download a lot more JavaScript. Before long we were shipping MEGABYTES of JavaScript down to the web browser, and we lost the speediness we had gained by not reloading the whole page all the time. Page transitions were fast, but the initial load was slow. Megabytes of code shipped to the browser can multiply into hundreds of megabytes of device memory consumed, and not every device is your state of the art Macbook Pro.

Single Page Applications ultimately do the same thing as that old PHP application did - render a bunch of HTML and pass it to the browser to render. The actual rendered output is often a few kilobytes of plain text HTML, but we downloaded, parsed and executed megabytes of JavaScript to generate those few kilobytes of HTML. What if there was a way we could keep the interactivity of a SPA, but only send the HTML that needs to be rendered to the client?

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