3 posts tagged vercel

In my recent posts, I've been focusing on the powerful combination of Next.js and Vercel, particularly how they enhance modern web development. In “Teams using Next.js and Vercel have an advantage”, I discuss the benefits of automated CI/CD pipelines and ephemeral environments, which streamline deployment and foster collaboration. Additionally, I explored the integration of Markdown and React components in “Blending Markdown and React components in NextJS”, showcasing how MDX can enrich content creation.

Moreover, I introduced InformAI, a tool that simplifies adding AI features to React apps, allowing for meaningful interactions with app content. These insights reflect my ongoing exploration of how to leverage these technologies for better user experiences and efficient development practices.

Blending Markdown and React components in NextJS

Authoring long-form content like blog posts is a pleasant experience with Markdown as it lets you focus on the content without worrying about the presentation or making the browser happy. Spamming <p> and <div> tags all over the place is a PITA and serves as a distraction from the content you're working on.

However, in a blog like this one, which deals with a lot of React/node/nextjs content, static text and images are limiting. We really want our React components to be live on the page with all of the richness and composability that React and JSX bring - so how do we blend the best of both of these worlds?

MDX: Markdown plus React

MDX is an extension to Markdown that also allows you to import and use React components. It lets you write content like this:

MDX is a blend of:

- normal markdown
- React components

<Aside type="info">
This blue box is an custom React component called `<Aside>`, and it can be rendered by MDX along
with the other Markdown content.

That's rendering an <Aside> component, which is a simple React component I use in some of my posts and looks like this:

That's really cool, and we can basically use any React component(s) we like here. But first let's talk a little about metadata.

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Introducing InformAI - Easy & Useful AI for React apps

Most web applications can benefit from AI features, but adding AI to an existing application can be a daunting prospect. Even a moderate-sized React application can have hundreds of components, spread across dozens of pages. Sure, it's easy to tack a chat bot in the bottom corner, but it won't be useful unless you integrate it with your app's contents.

This is where InformAI comes in. InformAI makes it easy to surface all the information that you already have in your React components to an LLM or other AI agent. With a few lines of React code, your LLM can now see exactly what your user sees, without having to train any models, implement RAG, or any other expensive setup.

Inform AI completes the quadrant
LLMs read and write text, Vercel AI SDK can also write UI, but InformAI lets LLMs read UI

InformAI is not an AI itself, it just lets you expose components and UI events via the simple <InformAI /> component. Here's how we might add AI support to a React component that shows a table of a company's firewalls:

name = "Firewalls Table"
prompt = "Shows the user a paginated table of firewalls and their scheduled backup configurations"
props = {{data, page, perPage}}
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Teams using Next.js and Vercel have an advantage

During my time at Palo Alto Networks, I spent most of my time working on a product called AutoFocus. It helped cyber security research teams analyze files traversing our firewalls for signs of malware. It was pretty cool, fronted by a large React application, with a bunch of disparate backend services and databases scattered around.

One of the things that was difficult to do was deploy our software. We were on a roughly 3 month release cycle to begin with, which meant several things:

  • Out-of-band bug fix releases were expensive
  • We didn't get much practice deploying, so when we did, it was a team effort, error prone and took a long time.
  • Trying to estimate and scope 3 months of work for a team of 10 is a fool's errand

Deployment meant getting most of the team into a war room, manually uploading build files to various places, doing a sort of canary deploy, seeing if things seemed ok, then rolling out to the rest of the world. Sometimes we decided to roll out architectural changes to reverse proxies and things at the same time, just for fun.

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