Loading Fast and Slow: async React Server Components and Suspense

When the web was young, HTML pages were served to clients running web browser software that would turn the HTML text response into rendered pixels on the screen. At first these were static HTML files, but then things like PHP and others came along to allow the server to customize the HTML sent to each client.

CSS came along to change the appearance of what got rendered. JavaScript came along to make the page interactive. Suddenly the page was no longer the atomic unit of the web experience: pages could modify themselves right there inside the browser, without the server being in the loop at all.

This was good because the network is slow and less than 100% reliable. It heralded a new golden age for the web. Progressively, less and less of the HTML content was sent to clients as pre-rendered HTML, and more and more was sent as JSON data that the client would render into HTML using JavaScript.

This all required a lot more work to be done on the client, though, which meant the client had to download a lot more JavaScript. Before long we were shipping MEGABYTES of JavaScript down to the web browser, and we lost the speediness we had gained by not reloading the whole page all the time. Page transitions were fast, but the initial load was slow. Megabytes of code shipped to the browser can multiply into hundreds of megabytes of device memory consumed, and not every device is your state of the art Macbook Pro.

Single Page Applications ultimately do the same thing as that old PHP application did - render a bunch of HTML and pass it to the browser to render. The actual rendered output is often a few kilobytes of plain text HTML, but we downloaded, parsed and executed megabytes of JavaScript to generate those few kilobytes of HTML. What if there was a way we could keep the interactivity of a SPA, but only send the HTML that needs to be rendered to the client?

Enter React Server Components

React Server Components are one of the biggest developments in React for years, with the potential to solve many of these problems. RSCs allow us to split our page rendering into two buckets - Components rendered on the client (traditional React style) and components rendered on the server (traditional web style).

Let's say we're building an application to help us manage devices, so we want some CRUD. Probably we're going to have a Devices index page where we can look at the list of Devices, and then either click on one to see the details, or click a button to create a new one. We might also want to edit or delete devices.

In the traditional React client-side mindset, we would build ourselves a page that will be rendered in the browser - it will need to fetch the Devices data from our backend, wait until the response comes back, handle any errors, and then render the list of devices. We might use a library like SWR to handle the fetching and caching of the data, and we might use a library like React Query to handle the mutation of the data. You've probably written this component a thousand times.

Maybe we'd end up with something that looks like this:

Example of a basic Devices CRUD index screen
It's a list of devices, with a button to add a new one.

You've seen the code to do this on the client side a thousand times before, with all its useState, useEffect, fetch, try/catch and other boilerplate. It's easy to create bugs in this code, to forget to handle edge cases, and to end up with a page that doesn't work as expected. What if we could write it like this instead?

import { getDevices } from "@/models/device";

import { Heading } from "@/components/common/heading";
import { Button } from "@/components/common/button";
import DevicesTable from "@/components/device/table";

export default async function DevicesPage() {
const devices = await getDevices();

return (
<div className="flex w-full flex-wrap items-end justify-between gap-4 pb-6">
<div className="flex gap-4">
<Button href="/devices/create">Add Device</Button>
<DevicesTable devices={devices} />
import { getDevices } from "@/models/device";

import { Heading } from "@/components/common/heading";
import { Button } from "@/components/common/button";
import DevicesTable from "@/components/device/table";

export default async function DevicesPage() {
const devices = await getDevices();

return (
<div className="flex w-full flex-wrap items-end justify-between gap-4 pb-6">
<div className="flex gap-4">
<Button href="/devices/create">Add Device</Button>
<DevicesTable devices={devices} />

This is a React Server Component. In this brave new world, you can tell it's a server component because the file doesn't start with 'use client'. RSCs are still pretty new and only supported in frameworks like NextJS that have a server-side rendering capability. By default, all components in NextJS are server components unless your file starts with 'use client'.

The main thing this component is doing is fetching device data via the getDevices function, which is all running on the server side and probably reading from a database. By doing this on the server, we avoid a) an extra HTTP round-trip to fetch the data separately from the React component, and b) all of the client-side logic required to make that work. Our code is clean and simple, with the magic of async/await making it read as though its synchronous, which is easier on human brains.

Let's have a quick look at the layout.tsx file that this component is rendering into:

export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
return (
<html lang="en">
export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
return (
<html lang="en">

Ok that's about as basic as it gets. The RootLayout component is also a React Server Component - it gets rendered on the server and the resulting HTML is sent to the client. When we visit the /devices URL, the server will render the app/devices/page.tsx component and shove it where we put {children} in the layout.tsx file.

But there's a wrinkle here - our DevicesPage component is defined as an async function. That's because, in this case, we need to make some asynchronous calls to fetch the data we need to render the page. So of course it's got to be async, but how does that mesh with our synchronous rendering of the layout and returning of the response to the client?.

Well, by default, it means that the server will have to wait for the async DevicesPage function to finish before it can render the page and send it to the client. If our database lookup is slow, this means the user is sat looking at a completely blank screen for a while. Not a great user experience.

To convince you of this, I created a skeleton Next JS application that is currently running at https://rsc-suspense-patterns.edspencer.net/. It has 5 pages, all of which are React Server Components, and all of which have different treatments of the async data fetching. The code for this application is available at https://github.com/edspencer/rsc-suspense-patterns.

Vanilla async Server Component rendering

The first page in my little skeleton app is at https://rsc-suspense-patterns.edspencer.net/slow/no-suspense - the best thing to do is open that in a new window at watch it load. You'll see nothing happen for 3 seconds, then suddenly the whole page appears at once. This is because the page.tsx for that URL is exactly what I show you in the code block above - an async function that fetches some data and then returns it. The call to getDevices there just waits 3 seconds before returning a static array of fake data.

This page feels broken, right? Nothing happens for 3 seconds, which is more than enough time to make a user think the page is broken and leave. With React Suspense, though, we can do better than this, starting with the next page in my little app.

Page-level Suspense boundaries with loading.tsx

Next.JS provides a nice little convention for providing page-level Suspense behavior, including React Server Component pages. Suspense, if you're not familiar with it, is a way for your React application to render everything that it can, show that to the user, and when the rest of the components on the page are ready to be rendered, stream them into the browser.

With Next.JS, we can just create a loading.tsx file in the same directory as our page.tsx file, and it will be used as a fallback while the page is loading. This is a great way to show a loading spinner or other loading indicator to the user while the page is loading. Here's how simple that can be:

export default function Loading() {
return (
<div className="flex justify-center items-center h-64">
<div className="animate-spin rounded-full h-16 w-16 border-b-2 border-gray-900"></div>
export default function Loading() {
return (
<div className="flex justify-center items-center h-64">
<div className="animate-spin rounded-full h-16 w-16 border-b-2 border-gray-900"></div>

Just by defining this file, Next.js did a little work under the covers, resulting in the following behavior:

  • When the page first loads, the page.tsx component rendering is initiated, but doesn't render immediately
  • While that async function is fetching data/doing whatever else before rendering, the loading.tsx component is rendered instead
  • When the async function finishes, the page.tsx component is rendered and replaces the loading.tsx component

You can see this in action at https://rsc-suspense-patterns.edspencer.net/slow/suspense. Again, to really see what is going on there, open the link in a brand new browser tab/window. This time, we get the page header menu rendering immediately - it is part of layout.tsx, and for 3 seconds we see our loading.tsx render - a spinner in this case. After 3 seconds, the page.tsx component renders and replaces the spinner:

Example of a basic Devices CRUD index screen
Our outer layout appears immediately; the page content is just our loading spinner

Component-level suspense boundaries

Page-level Suspense boundaries are an improvement to our vanilla version because at least we're rendering some of our application immediately, and showing the user that something is happening via a loading spinner. It's also super-easy to just drop a loading.tsx file into a component directory and have it work.

But we can do better than that. We can use Suspense boundaries at the component level to show the user that something is happening at a more granular level. Here's the actual source code that powers the third and final slow loading RSC page in my demo - which you can see live at https://rsc-suspense-patterns.edspencer.net/slow/component-suspense:

import { getDevices } from "@/models/device";

import Heading from "@/components/common/heading";
import DevicesTable from "@/components/device/table";
import AddDeviceButton from "@/components/device/button";

import Loading from "@/components/common/loading";
import { Suspense } from "react";

export default function DevicesPage() {
return (
<div className="flex w-full flex-wrap items-end justify-between gap-4 pb-6">
<Heading>Devices (3000ms database call, Component-level Suspense)</Heading>
<div className="flex gap-4">
<AddDeviceButton />
<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<LoadedDevicesTable />
On this screen, we get all of the page contents rendered instantly (including this paragraph),
but see a loading spinner while the table is loaded, rendered, and streamed back to the client.

async function LoadedDevicesTable() {
const devices = await getDevices();

return <DevicesTable devices={devices} />;
import { getDevices } from "@/models/device";

import Heading from "@/components/common/heading";
import DevicesTable from "@/components/device/table";
import AddDeviceButton from "@/components/device/button";

import Loading from "@/components/common/loading";
import { Suspense } from "react";

export default function DevicesPage() {
return (
<div className="flex w-full flex-wrap items-end justify-between gap-4 pb-6">
<Heading>Devices (3000ms database call, Component-level Suspense)</Heading>
<div className="flex gap-4">
<AddDeviceButton />
<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<LoadedDevicesTable />
On this screen, we get all of the page contents rendered instantly (including this paragraph),
but see a loading spinner while the table is loaded, rendered, and streamed back to the client.

async function LoadedDevicesTable() {
const devices = await getDevices();

return <DevicesTable devices={devices} />;

We've done three things here:

  1. We split the loading and rendering of the <DevicesTable> into a separate (async) component called <LoadedDevicesTable>
  2. We made our DevicesPage component synchronous, so it renders immediately
  3. We wrapped our new <LoadedDevicesTable> component in a <Suspense> component, with a fallback prop that renders our loading spinner
RSC pages with Component-level suspense
Now the entire page renders instantly, except for the data table

If you open up the live demo page, you'll see that the entire page renders instantly, including the header and footer, and the paragraph explaining what's going on. The only thing that doesn't render immediately is the data table, which shows a loading spinner until the data is fetched and the table is rendered.

This is a much better user experience than the vanilla version, and even the page-level Suspense version. It's a great way to show the user that something is happening, and that the page isn't broken, while still rendering as much of the page as possible immediately. Adding a <Suspense> wrapper is every bit as easy as adding a loading.tsx file, and will often produce a better user experience.

Now your application is ~90% rendering on the server side, using React Server Components, and only the interactive parts are rendered on the client side. This is a great way to get the best of both worlds - the speed and reliability of server-side rendering, and the interactivity of client-side rendering.

Implications for React Server Components

Generally speaking, if a page requires several database/RPC calls to load its data, it will usually be significantly faster to render that page on the server side than on the client side. This is because the server usually has a fast, low-latency connection to the database, and can render the page in a single pass.

But this is not a panacea - databases that started out fast often become slow over time. UX patterns (like not using Suspense) that made total sense with a 10ms data fetch can become a problem when that fetch takes 3000ms or more. If you start to one or more of those slow data fetches on a page, you're not going to be giving your users a great experience if you use async React Server Components at the page level.

Consider making page-level RSCs synchronous

The approach in the code block below (which is the same approach as above) is one way to get around that, where we split the async code out of the Page component. By confining ourselves to rendering only synchronous components at the page level, we can render the page immediately and then stream in the async components as they're ready. This is a great way to give the user a sense of progress and keep them engaged with the page.

import Loading from "@/components/common/loading";
import { Suspense } from "react";

//synchronous - fast!
export default function FastRSCPage() {
return (
<h2>My lovely page</h2>
<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<SlowLoadingComponent />

//async - can be slow but doesn't matter as it's not at the page level
async function SlowLoadingComponent() {
const devices = await getDevices();

return <DevicesTable devices={devices} />;
import Loading from "@/components/common/loading";
import { Suspense } from "react";

//synchronous - fast!
export default function FastRSCPage() {
return (
<h2>My lovely page</h2>
<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<SlowLoadingComponent />

//async - can be slow but doesn't matter as it's not at the page level
async function SlowLoadingComponent() {
const devices = await getDevices();

return <DevicesTable devices={devices} />;

In this approach, our <FastRSCPage> and <SlowLoadingComponent> components are both still React Server Components. They even happen to be in the same file, though they don't have to be. It's just that splitting the async code out of our top-level component (the "page") means that we can render as much of the UI as possible, essentially instantly.

Page Interactivity waits for Suspense (sometimes)

Our little page has an Add Device button, which is the only 'use client' component in the entire app. All it does in this demo is fire an alert, which ought to convince you it is a component running in the browser.

But if you open up https://rsc-suspense-patterns.edspencer.net/slow/component-suspense and click the Add Device button while the spinner is still spinning, nothing happens. Click it again after the spinner goes away, and you'll see the alert. This might be a little unexpected - the button is in the synchoronous part of the page, not within the Suspense boundary, so why doesn't it work?

I actually don't know. React 18 came along with an excellent post explaining how Suspense is supposed to work, including Selective Hydration. Hydration is when you render your page HTML on the server side, the client downloads it, then React spins up in the client and attaches itself to all that lovely HTML the server sent down. Until Hydration is complete, your React app may be mostly rendered, but it is not interactive.

Selective Hydration is supposed to enable React to automatically hydrate the parts of your application that are fully rendered, running hydration again for any components inside <Suspense> boundaries that were not ready the first time hydration occurred.

This should mean that the Add Device button is interactive as soon as the page is hydrated, even if the data table is still loading. As you'll note, it doesn't seem to actually do that, so watch out for behavior like this in your own apps. All of this stuff is pretty new, so it's possible that there are still some bugs to be ironed out. If I figure that out I'll let you know.

Conclusions and further reading

React Server Components are a powerful new feature in React that can be a game-changer for the UX of your applications when implemented correctly. They're also a Big Rewrite trap that could seem annoying if you have thousands of hours invested in a React app that works the Old Way. But if you're starting a new project, or have a project that's not working as well as you'd like, they're definitely worth a look.

I read some excellent posts by some fine folks while embarking on my own journey of understanding around this topic - here are three articles on RSC that you should consider reading:

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What to Read Next

If you enjoyed exploring the intricacies of React Server Components, consider reading Decoding React Server Component Payloads for a deeper understanding of how Next.js manages server-client communication. You might also find Promises across the void: Streaming data with RSC insightful, as it discusses the innovative capability of sending unresolved promises from the server to the client.