Everything tagged module (1 post)

JavaScript Module pattern - overused, dangerous and bloody annoying

The Module Pattern is a way of using a closure in JavaScript to create private variables and functions. Here's a brief recap:

var myObject = (function() {
//these are only accessible internally
var privateVar = 'this is private';
var privateFunction = function() {
return "this is also private";

return {
//these can be accessed externally
publicVar: 'this is public',

publicFunction: function() {
return "this is also public"

//this is a 'privileged' function - it can access the internal private vars
myFunction: function() {
return privateVar;

myObject.privateVar; //returns null as private var is private
myObject.myFunction(); //return the private var as myFunction has access to private properties

Breaking this down, we create a function which is executed immediately (via the brackets at the end) and returns an object which gets assigned to myObject.

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