Everything tagged rails (2 posts)
Useful Rails javascript expansions for EXTJS
If you're using Edge Rails (or > 2.1, which isn't out at time of writing), and are using the EXT JS framework anywhere, here are a couple of handy javascript include tag expansions to clean up your views. Just chuck them into any file in your config/initializers directory:
The top one includes the relevant EXT base files and the second one includes all the Grid Filters from the excellent Filter Grid plugin (see http://ccinct.com/lab/filter-grid/.
Rails asset tag expansions
If you're using edge rails you may have noticed that you can now define your own JavaScript expansions (if you're not on edge this will be included in the imminent 2.1 release). The default expansion that comes with rails looks like this:
Which grabs application.js as well as the prototype/scriptaculous javascripts and includes them all (only do that if you need it all - it adds ~150kb to your page). But say you've got a line which looks like this:
And say you want to include the same set of files on a different page - it turns out Rails makes it really easy to DRY this up. Make a new file in the config/initializers directory (I call my asset_tag_expansions.rb) and add a line like the following (don't forget to restart your server afterwards):