ExtJS grid page size - letting the user decide
Sometimes you'll be using a Paging Toolbar on a grid and need to give the user the ability to change the number of records per page. One way of doing this is by adding a combobox to the toolbar:
We've set up a simple combo box which allows the user to choose between 15, 25 and 50 records per page. Now let's set up a Paging Toolbar, and a listener to take action when the user changes the selection in the combo box:
Getting EXT PagingToolbars to save state
A problem that has recently had me pulling my hair out is how to save state in an EXT PagingToolbar.
Ext makes it easy to save the state of most of its components - by default it does this by setting a cookie with the relevant configuration info, then just reading it back when you load the component again. I've been using it to save the state of a few EXT grids I've been using on a recent project, this saves config such as which columns you have visible, which column you're sorting by, and how the columns are ordered.
That works great, and is trivial to implement - just set your provider (see http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=Ext.state.CookieProvider) and be sure to give your grid an id in its config - this is used as the key in the state provider and needs to be unique for each component.
The problem comes when you're using a paging toolbar though, as this does not save state, so every time you view the grid you're back to page 1. You can add state behaviour to the paginator by piggybacking the grid's state store, here's how it's done: