Everything tagged performance (2 posts)

Sencha Con 2013: Ext JS Performance tips

Just as with Jacky's session, I didn't plan on making a separate post about this, but again the content was so good and I ended up taking so many notes that it also warrants its own space. To save myself from early carpal tunnel syndrome I'm going to leave this one in more of a bullet point format.

Ext JS has been getting more flexible with each release. You can do many more things with it these days than you used to be able to, but there has been a performance cost associated with that. In many cases this performance degradation is down to the way the framework is being used, as opposed to a fundamental problem with the framework itself.

There's a whole bunch of things that you can do to dramatically speed up the performance of an app you're not happy with, and Nige "Animal" White took us through them this morning. Here's what I was able to write down in time:

Slow things

Nige identified three of the top causes of sluggish apps, which we'll go through one by one:

  • Network latency
  • JS execution
  • Layout activity
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Sencha Con 2013: Fastbook

I didn't plan on writing a post purely on Fastbook, but Jacky's presentation just now was so good I felt it needed one. If you haven't seen Fastbook yet, it is Sencha's answer to the (over reported) comments by Zuckerburg that using HTML5 for Facebook's mobile app was a mistake.

After those comments there was a lot of debate around whether HTML5 is ready for the big time. Plenty of opinions were thrown around, but not all based on evidence. Jacky was curious about why Facebook's old app was so slow, and wondered if he could use the same technologies to achieve a much better result. To say he was successful would be a spectacular understatement - Fastbook absolutely flies.

Performance can be hard to describe in words, so Sencha released this video that demonstrates the HTML5 Fastbook app against the new native Facebook apps. As you can see, not only is the HTML5 version at least as fast and fluid as the native versions, in several cases it's actually significantly better (especially on Android).

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