Everything tagged bdd (3 posts)

Jasmine and Jenkins Continuous Integration

I use Jasmine as my JavaScript unit/behavior testing framework of choice because it's elegant and has a good community ecosystem around it. I recently wrote up how to get Jasmine-based autotesting set up with Guard, which is great for development time testing, but what about continuous integration?

Well, it turns out that it's pretty difficult to get Jasmine integrated with Jenkins. This is not because of an inherent problem with either of those two, it's just that no-one got around to writing an open source integration layer until now.

The main problem is that Jasmine tests usually expect to run in a browser, but Jenkins needs results to be exposed in .xml files. Clearly we need some bridge here to take the headless browser output and dump it into correctly formatted .xml files. Specifically, these xml files need to follow the JUnit XML file format for Jenkins to be able to process them. Enter guard-jasmine.


In my previous article on getting Jasmine and Guard set up, I was using the jasmine-headless-webkit and guard-jasmine-headless-webkit gems to provide the glue. Since then I've replaced those 2 gems with a single gem - guard-jasmine, written by Michael Kessler, the Guard master himself. This simplifies our dependencies a little, but doesn't buy us the .xml file functionality we need.

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Autotesting JavaScript with Jasmine and Guard

One of the things I really loved about Rails in the early days was that it introduced me to the concept of autotest - a script that would watch your file system for changes and then automatically execute your unit tests as soon as you change any file.

Because the unit test suite typically executes quickly, you'd tend to have your test results back within a second or two of hitting save, allowing you to remain in the editor the entire time and only break out the browser for deeper debugging - usually the command line output and OS notifications (growl at the time) would be enough to set you straight.

This was a fantastic way to work, and I wanted to get there again with JavaScript. Turns out it's pretty easy to do this. Because I've used a lot of ruby I'm most comfortable using its ecosystem to achieve this, and as it happens there's a great way to do this already.

Enter Guard

Guard is a simple ruby gem that scans your file system for changes and runs the code of your choice whenever a file you care about is saved. It has a great ecosystem around it which makes automating filesystem-based triggers both simple and powerful. Let's start by making sure we have all the gems we need:

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Read my BDD article in this month's JS Magazine

I have an article on Behaviour Driven Development for JavaScript in June's edition of the excellent JavaScript Magazine.

If you haven't seen or read the magazine before (it's quite new), it's well worth the few dollars charged. The magazine format allows for in-depth articles that require more space, time and effort to write than a typical blog post, and which therefore often go unwritten.

The thrust of my article is that too much of our JavaScript goes untested, but that nowadays it's easy to fix that. I go through an example of a client side shopping cart, using the JSpec BDD library. Even if you don't buy/read the magazine, I highly recommend checking out JSpec and other libraries like it. As JavaScript powered applications become the norm, BDD will only become more important in ensuring our applications work properly, so now is a good time to start.

Also in this month's issue is a guide to using the Canvas tag, tips on how to use build scripts to optimise your JavaScript for each environment, AJAX security pointers and a roundup of community news.

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