Sencha Touch tech talk at Pivotal Labs

I recently gave an introduction to Sencha Touch talk up at Pivotal Labs in San Francisco. The guys at Pivotal were kind enough to record this short talk and share it with the world - it's under 30 minutes and serves as a nice, short introduction to Sencha Touch:

UPDATE: Pivotal got acquired, this link broke. The world moved on.

The slides are available on slideshare and include the code snippets I presented. The Dribbble example used in the talk is very similar to the Kiva example that ships with the Sencha Touch SDK, so I recommend checking that out if you want to dive in further.

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What to Read Next

For a deeper dive into the capabilities of Sencha Touch, check out Sencha Touch 2 Hits Beta which discusses the significant advancements made in the framework. Additionally, you might find Introduction to Ext JS 4 insightful, as it highlights key features and improvements that enhance the overall development experience with Sencha products.